ella – Questions and Answers

In this section, you will find all the questions and answers related to ella project. This section updates on a regular basis.
Make sure to check if your question already answered here before trying to contact us:

Question: The status shows “Paid” but I can’t see ella Coins in my TrustWallet.
Answer: https://ella.fund/how-to-add-ella-fund-token-in-trustwallet/ You need to follow this tutorial without skipping any step! Just follow every step and you should see your coins.
The most common issue is not choosing Polygon network, so pay close attention to it.

Question: How much is 1 ella worth in USD?
Answer: You can check the last trading price of ella here on 1 chain: Click here to see ella live price and it’s trading through QuickSwap.
Is it worth 1 USD?
No! Ella is not correlated to USD and can be worth alot more than 1$ or less than 1$. Theoretically, with time, because of the burning mechanism and rising demand, 100$ investment in ella is maybe enough for a lifetime. Think of 100 Bitcoins… yes it is millions of USD now and ella can be more of that. So 1 ella can be worth a lot.

Question: What can I do with my ella coins?
Answer: We recommend that you HOLD ella without selling, that is because we expect the price of ella, with it’s massive adoption to rise a lot more in the future. People who sold Bitcoin at 2-3$ or even 200-300$ regret it today. Don’t be that person, ella is so unique and pure, it might be bigger than Bitcoin one day.

Question: The status of my payment is “Waiting”, When I will receive my payment?
Answer: Payments can take up to 24 hours to process, so please be patient after you submit your request. We usually pay several times per day but some delays may occur. Do not ask us about it before 24 hours passed.

Question: Can I still promote and earn more ella while the payment status is on “Waiting”?
Answer: Yes! even when the payment status is on “Pending” new signups are registered and counted for your next payment.

Question: How can I trade my ella coins?
Answer: You can use QuickSwap , FinexBox and more exchanges will follow during 2025-2026.

Question: How can I invest and buy ella coins if I don’t have time to share it?
Answer: You can use the exchange or share more! Use your link in some viral posts or videos and watch your account grows every day!

Question: I believe in the future of ella and I want to invest more than 1,000,000$, Can I get personal help?
Answer: Explore your options in this link or in this link.

Question: Are you hiring people for your ella?
Answer: Yes! We are looking for the most creative and ambitious people on the planet, only top quality people can work at ella.Fund, If you don’t think you are one of the top 5%, don’t send us anything. If you think you are, send us an email and tell us your experience and why we should hire you.

Question: I received my ella coins to my TrustWallet. Why it shows no value?
Answer: That’s because ella is not yet listed on Coingecko and CoinMarketCap yet! It doesn’t change anything and really has no meaning because you can convert them to any coin you want. After listing, the value will also show on your wallets. ella is still new and it takes time to get listed on all platforms, that’s normal and acceptable.

Question: How can I get more ella coins? I shared my link with my friends but only few signed up… And I want more!
Answer: You can be super ella promoter and get paid for that. The secret is to share your link everywhere. If you are active on Facebook for example, comment to posts with your link. If you read a lot of news sites, then comment there and insert your link to the comment.
You can also open your own blog, create a YouTube video, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or comment in forum discussions, anything goes as long as you post your link. That’s how the system recognize that you referred the users.
One link in the right place can generate you passive income for many years to come. If, for example, you posted a comment on a very popular site, that comment will stay there for years, and everyday, hour or minute, people will click on your link and sign up to ella, you will get credit for them and see your payments keep coming and growing.
Some of our top earners made a YouTube videos and shared their link, some wrote a good review about ella in some forums and shared their link.

Question: Do you have any plans to get listed on CoinMarketCap, Coingecko?
Answer: Yes, in progress!

Question: I referred 3 of my friends and they registered, but none are showing in my panel or just 1 is showing. How could it be?
Answer: There are many security checks the system does before registering new users, that is to prevent frauds to the system. If the friends you referred entered wrong email address, or anything similar you will not get credit for them and they will not be able to register to the system again. If you still think you didn’t get credit and you are sure the people you referred registered correctly with verifying their email addresses so please send us an email and include at least one of the email addresses of your friends that was suppose to credit your account and we will check it for you.

22 thoughts on “ella – Questions and Answers”

    I have registered lot of my freinds well confermed iwish to be credited after the mention time and also i have an experience on promoting this kinds of tokens or coin with full over 3years experience i can be glad to be hired by Ella.fund company to promote this coin higher and higher my ella.fund receive address is 0x3554D4957c63e9b2529DbBA88C273bDFce65e22d thank u

  • Nthabeleng

    How and when do you get paid,or does it depend on how many people you’ve shared the link with?

    • admin

      3-4 times a day, but it can take up to 28 hours and minimum 3 shares, per withdrawal request. Unless you have PRO account with no limits.

  • Samuel Isaiah

    I love the project it is nice to get in
    Already I have registered 6 persons with my Link and withdraw thrice and I got paid

  • Ramon

    Hello moderator.
    During the problem they had with the server they did not replace my tokens that I had in the balance.
    I have been waiting days for the problem to be resolved.
    I need your help.

    • admin

      Please send us an email with detailed information and we’ll fix it for you.

  • jasmin

    Hi! Ella is fantastic!!!!!
    Just a question, when the bridge will be available?

    • admin

      It will release as beta to several thousand users and gradually be available to all users, hopefully within 2 weeks.

  • Yusuf

    Hi Ella is a blessing!!!
    Can I convert Ella to another crypto currency

    • admin

      Thank you 🙂
      At your panel, click on the menu and choose “Swap” and follow the instructions.

  • Chijioke Jacob

    Why can’t i swap my Ella in polygon network to usdt

    • admin

      That option is now open for almost all users through the dashboard.
      At your panel, click on the menu and choose “Swap” and follow the instructions.

  • Goodman

    Hi Ella I did send payment but no email received and no Ella token on my trust wallet please help.

  • Dmitri

    Ella to the moon!!!

  • Richard bayode

    Hi Ella,I referred 5 friends with my link,they already signed up but my dashboard is showing only two,and that makes me not to withdraw what can be the problem?

    • admin

      Once they confirm their email address, you will get credit for them.

  • Sebolatan Joshua

    I referred 4 people and only 2 are showing what is the solution

    • admin

      Once they confirm their email address, you will get credit for them.

  • Sharon

    Ella,5 people registered through my link but only 1 people is showing and it’s stopping me from withdrawing

    • admin

      They need to confirm their email address. Once they confirm you will get credit.

  • Jeremiah

    When I was trying to send my money to the trust wallet so u realised some mistake then I canceled the payment those that means I will not be able to withdrawn it again

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